Sunday, June 5, 2011

Garden Update

So I have noticed a problem with my hanging strawberry baskets.  In comparison to the strawberries I have in pots(which sometimes have the problem of strawberries touching the dirt, which makes them rot) the hanging strawberries don't have that problem.  However, they do have the problem of draining to quickly.  The water runs right out the bottom of them and the dirt is always bone-dry.  The strawberries that are on these plants are tiny and slightly on the shriveled side.  I am thinking that they need more water to produce larger fruit. T That and they lose a lot of nutrients in the soil by the water just running straight through them.  I set some other plants below them to catch the water, and the plants in those containers are exploding with growth.

Seedless grapes on a trellis I made from sticks

Strawberries in a regular pot

One of the pots that catches runoff from the strawberries

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